- Version No.
- 1.1
- Issue Date
- 01/Jan/2022
- Effective Date
- 01/Jan/2022
Bulletin 001 – Bulletin System Rev.1.1
Notice to: Shipowners, Operators, Officers, Flag State Inspectors and Recognised Organisations
1. References
- a) Barbados Merchant Shipping Act (CAP 296)
- b) Barbados Merchant Shipping Regulations
- c) Barbados Merchant Shipping Regulations
- d) Barbados Marine Notices
2. Purpose
- 2.1 This Bulletin describes the use of the Barbados Maritime Ship Registry (BMSR) Bulletin System for Barbadian ships.
3. Application
- 3.1 This Bulletin applies to all Barbadian ships above 150 GT that are engaged in international voyages.
4. Introduction
- 4.1 The Company and the master shall ensure that all persons joining a ship or unit are immediately given appropriate familiarization training with respect to the ship for emergency, safety and if applicable security in addition to their respective duties and functions.
- 4.2 The Company and the master of a ship shall ensure that watch standards and arrangements as outlined in STCW Convention Chapter VIII are always maintained.
- 4.3 The national mandatory requirements for all Barbadian ships are set by the Minister and/or Marine Administration through the Marine Shipping Act, Regulations and The Marine Notices.
- 4.4 The international mandatory requirements for all Barbadian ships are set by The IMO Instruments.
- 4.5 The BMSR bulletins are only to support the Merchant Shipping Act, Regulations, Marine Notices, and IMO Instruments and to provide an easy reference and of all the national and international requirements for Barbadian ship engaged in international voyages.
- 4.6 To improve clarity and make sure compliance with latest requirements, the BMSR has decided to reorganise the information currently provided in Bulletin, their numbering and layout.
- 4.7 Bulletins are provided with the letter “B” and three number identification, e.g., B001.
- 4.8 Bulletins specific for yacht are provided with the letter “Y” and three number identification, e.g., Y001.
- 4.9 Existing bulletins will continue to be valid until they are replaced by new version.
- 4.10 Each bulletin has an issue date which when it is published, and effective date from which the bulletin enters into effect. This is to allow the BMSR to provide information ang guidance on eventual upcoming new regulations.
- 4.11 It should be noted that specific bulletin may be reserved for future use (e.g., where referenced in legislation) so they may not be published in numerical order.
- 4.12 All bulletins are available on the BMSR website.
- 4.13 Bulletins when downloaded from the BMSR website are uncontrolled, therefore the BMSR website should be checked for the latest version of this or of any other bulletin.
5. Use and retention of Bulletins
- 5.1 Companies shall ensure that the contents of Bulletins, which are relevant to their operations, are incorporated into their safety management system procedures. Copies of relevant Bulletins, in their latest revision, shall be retained in Company offices and on board all Barbadian ships.
- 5.2 Recognised Organisations and BMSR Nautical Inspectors must ensure that the contents of relevant BMSR Bulletins are incorporated in their procedures relating to their Barbados delegation.
6. Distribution of BMSR Bulletins
- 6.1 Notification of the addition, or revision, of a document is sent by automatic emails.
- 6.2 To subscribe and receive latest Bulletins, it is essential to register on the BMSR website and provide First Name, Last Name and Email Address.
- 6.3 Subscription is free of charge.

Revision History
Version | Description Of Revision |
1.0 | First Issue |
1.1 | Updated to reflect changes to URLs and bulletin subscription form |