- Version No.
- 2.1
- Issue Date
- 25 Feb. 25
- Effective Date
- 25 Feb. 25
Bulletin 002 – Vessel Registration & Register Alterations Rev.2.1
Notice to: Shipowners, Operators, Officers, Flag State Inspectors and Recognised Organisations
1. References
a) Barbados Merchant Shipping Act (CAP 296)
b) Facilitation (FAL) Committee Circular – FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2/Corr.1 1 January 2017
c) Bulletin 051 – Laid up Vessel Requirements
2. Advantages of Barbados Registration
2.1 The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry (BMSR) offers competitive Initial Registration and Annual Fees, details of which can be found on the BMSR website. See Barbados Maritime Ship Registry Fees.
2.2 The BMSR is on the Paris MOU Whitelist and is qualified for USCG Qualship21 Program.
2.3 The BMSR has:
.1 A friendly and dedicated team to guide through the registration process.
.2 A network of worldwide Regional Registrars to help and advise on the registration process and seafarer endorsement applications.
.3 An independent qualified and professional network of Appointed Nautical Inspectors (ANIs) to perform Flag inspections worldwide without delays to a vessel’s schedule.
2.4 The BMSR provides:
.1 24/7 Technical Support, to ensure compliance with Barbadian Laws and IMO standards is maintained at all times.
.2 Assistance from qualified and experienced professionals to help and advise on PSC inspections.
.3 24/7 vessel registration.
.4 Fast registration within a day when all documentation is received.
.5 Electronic ship certificates (Certificate of Registry (COR), Safe Manning Document (SMD) and etc.), as per Facilitation (FAL) Committee Circular – FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2/Corr.1 1 January 2017. This saves on courier fees and enables certificates to be delivered on board on time.
3. Purpose
3.1 This Bulletin is to help through the registration and any register alteration processes by explaining the procedures and documentation required for ships and yachts (here after both referred to as “vessel”) joining the BMSR and for any alteration to a vessel already in the Barbadian Registry.
4. Principal Registrar and Regional Registrars
4.1 The registration of a vessel to become a Barbadian vessel can be processed through the London Office or any appointed Regional Registrars located at strategic ports around the world. Their details are available on the BMSR website.
5. Eligibility
5.1 As per the CAP 296 Sec. 9(1), any ship of 150 GT and above and any yacht engaged in international voyages may be approved for registration by the Principal Registrar.
5.2 Any new vessel or any existing vessel up to 20 years of age, from the “Year of Built” to the year in which the application for registration is made, is eligible to be registered with the BMSR.
5.3 Vessel eligibility is assessed by the Principal Registrar based on the vessel’s history and PSC performance in the last 3 years.
5.4 Vessels of 21 years of age or older, up to 25 years of age, are considered for registration at the Principal Registrar’s discretion.
5.5 The BMSR does not accept the registration of vessels that are older than 25 years of age.
5.6 A vessel under repair or on lay-up may be considered for provisional registration providing that the vessel undergoes a pre-registration inspection before it commences trading. The vessel has to undergo an initial inspection when in the water and in an operational condition.
6. Class requirements
6.1 Vessels and commercial yachts are to be issued with a Certificate of Class (CoC) by an IACS Member.
6.2 Pleasure (Private) yacht are not required to be classed, however should the owner wish to do so, the pleasure yacht can hold a CoC issued by any classification society that is also a Barbados Recognised Organisation (RO).
6.3 All Barbadian vessels can have dual Class, provided that the vessel maintains the class with an IACS member for both Hull and Machinery, at all times.
6.4 When a vessel gains a dual class, the vessel’s Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) will be re-issued with an amended item 11 to record all the Classification Societies with which the vessel is classed.
7. Pre-Registration Enquires
7.1 Any enquiry regarding vessel registration is to be submitted to ops@barbadosmaritime.com.
7.2 Any enquiry for registration has to include as a minimum:
.1 Vessel Name and IMO number;
.2 Gross and Net Tonnage;
.3 Type and Age of the vessel;
.4 Vessel Manager Name and IMO number
8. Pre-Registration Inspection Requirements
8.1 New vessels and existing vessels up to 12 years of age are assessed and accepted for registration without a pre-registration inspection.
8.2 Vessels of 13 years of age or older, up to 20 years of age, might be subject to a pre-registration inspection at the Principal Registrar’s discretion.
8.3 Vessels of 21 years of age or older, up to 25 years of age, are required to undergo a pre-registration inspection.
8.4 A pre-purchase survey can be accepted in lieu of the pre-registration inspection on a case-by-case basis. The pre-purchase survey report shall be no older than 30 days from the application.
9. Alternative Entry Scheme
9.1 In cases where a seller does not allow additional pre-purchase survey and/or in case the vessel is at a port where a pre-registration inspection cannot be undertaken, an Alternate Entry Scheme (AES) may be utilised.
9.2 Under this Scheme a vessel may be provisionally registered, subject to satisfactory assessment by the Principal Registrar, for a maximum period of thirty (30) days. Within this period the vessel must complete all stipulated inspections and thereby be in a position to be permanently registered.
9.3 The provisional registration of 30 days under the AES cannot be extended and failure to permanently register within the given time will result in the vessel being deleted from the Register.
10. Provisional Registration
10.1 A vessel is first registered on provisional registration and can operate as soon as it is issued with a provisional Certificate of Registry (COR). The COR is valid for 6 months giving the owner/manager time to comply with all conditions for full registration.
10.2 As per the CAP 296, the port of registry of all Barbados vessels is “Bridgetown”.
10.3 The required registration and annual fees are to be paid upon provisional registration of the vessel and are not refundable.
10.4 If the vessel’s registration is not completed before the COR expires, the vessel in question is liable to cease to be recognized as Barbadian.
10.5 When the COR expires and the ship is not permanently registered, the vessel cannot apply again for registration within one year of the issue date of the first provisional COR.
10.6 In special circumstances assessed by the Principal Registrar, Provisional Registration can be extended for up to a maximum of a further 6 months, for a total of 1 year of Provisional Registration.
10.7 The reissuance of a provisional COR after 6 months of provisional registration will be charged with an extra fee. Please See Barbados Maritime Ship Registry Fees.
10.8 This extra charge is designed to ensure that the shipowner has made proper preparation, including any mortgage arrangements, for full registration in good time.
10.9 On completion of the requirements for Provisional Registration, the BMSR issues the following:
.1 Provisional Certificate of Registration (COR);
.2 Safe Manning Document (SMD);
.3 Initial Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) (subject to receipt of the final CSR from former flag);
.4 Ship Station Licence (SSL);
.5 Carving & Marking Note (CMN);
.6 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC Part I)
.7 Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunker) Certificate, if required;
.8 Oil Pollution Damage (Tanker CLC ) Certificate, if required.
10.10 To issue a new CSR a complete CSR Amendment Form 2 is to be submitted to the BMSR.
10.11 On completion of registration, the Transcript of Register is issued only upon request by the shipowner, ship managers and any third party.
11. LRIT Registration on Data Centre
11.1 When a vessel is provisionally registered the following data has to be entered onto the LRIT Data Centre. This is usually dealt with by the authorised service provider Fulcrum Maritime Systems Ltd. (www.fulcrum-maritime.com), that is also authorised as Application Service Provider (ASP) to perform the LRIT Conformance Test Report (CTR) in accordance with the current LRIT performance standards and functional requirements.
12. Permanent Registration
12.1 On completion of the requirements for Permanent Registration, the BMSR issues the following:
.1 Permanent Certificate of Registration (COR);
12.2 The permanent COR has 5 years validity and needs to be revalidated and reissued at or before the expiry date.
12.3 A vessel can be permanently registered upon receipt of:
.1 Certificate of Deletion from the losing Registry;
.2 Final (deletion) CSR from the losing Registry;
.3 Carving and Marking Note signed by ANI;
.4 Sighting of original Bill of Sale and/or Builder’s Certificate;
.5 Initial flag Inspection report.
12.4 Vessels that are permanently registered have to pay Annual fees, which are to be paid on the 1st of January of each subsequent year. Failure to do so may lead to deletion of the vessel from the register.
12.5 Vessels that have to move from one port to another to complete repairs or re-activation, and have not completed the Initial inspection, can do so with the prior knowledge of the BMSR and under conditions applied by their Classification Society through the issue of a Conveyance Certificate.
13. Registration – Application
13.1 Shipowners, agents or vessel managers seeking registration with the BMSR should initially submit Form 4 – Application for Registration or Change of Name of a Ship by email to registry@barbadosmaritime.com.
13.2 The list of forms and documents for Provisional and Permanent Registration of a ship are indicated on Checklist 02 Ship Registration.
13.3 The list of forms and documents for Provisional and Permanent Registration of a yacht are indicated on Checklist 01 Yacht Registration.
13.4 Upon receipt of Form 4 – Application for Registration or Change of Name of a Ship , the London Office will allocate and provide the following:
.1 Call Sign;
.2 Official Number (O/N);
.3 Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) Number;
13.5 If the vessel joining the Registry is flagged with another Administration, the BMSR must receive from the owner a Transcript of Register for provisional registration confirming that no encumbrances remain against the vessel, for permanent registration.
14. Bareboat Charter Out
14.1 The CAP 296 allows any vessel registered in Barbados to be dual registered under a bareboat charter out agreement to a Secondary Registry (flag), whilst also maintaining Barbadian registration, on the following conditions:
.1 The laws of the second flag allow it;
.2 A bareboat charter Party is established between the shipowner and the charterer;
.3 Mortgagee’s Consent (if applicable) to transfer out to Secondary Registry;
.4 The Secondary Registry cannot make any changes to the vessel’s registered details without first informing the BMSR (Primary Registry);
.5 The Secondary Registry cannot enter nor delete Bills of Sale or Mortgages against the vessel under any circumstances.
14.2 During the period the vessel is bareboat chartered out of the Barbados Registry the only actions allowed to be recorded on the Barbados Registry are Mortgages, Transfers and Sale of the Vessel.
14.3 The BMSR Permanent COR must be removed from the vessel.
14.4 A vessel applying to register as Bareboat Charter Out can do so by submitting an email to registry@barbadosmaritime.com the documents as per Checklist 09 Bareboat (Demise Charter).
14.5 On completion of the requirements for Charter Out Registration, the BMSR issues the following:
.1 Barbados Letter of Authority (Stating No mortgage shall be recorded in Secondary Registry during period of the said Charter)
.2 Barbados Demise Charter Out – Certificate of Suspension
15. Bareboat Charter In
15.1 The CAP 296 allows any vessel registered on Primary Registry (flag) to be dual registered under a bareboat charter in agreement to with the Barbados flag (Secondary Registry), whilst also maintaining registration with the Primary Registry, on the following conditions:
.1 The laws of the second flag allow it;
.2 A bareboat charter Party is established between the shipowner and the charterer;
.3 Mortgagee’s Consent (if applicable) to transfer out to the BMSR;
.4 The BMSR cannot make any changes to the vessel’s registered details without first informing the Primary Registry;
.5 The BMSR cannot enter or delete Bills of Sales or Mortgages against the vessel under any circumstances.
15.2 During the period the vessel is bareboat chartered into the Barbados Registry all ship certificates are issued by the BMSR, but the BMSR cannot record/Discharge/Transfer and process the sale of the vessel.
15.3 The Secondary Registry Permanent COR must be removed from the vessel.
15.4 A vessel applying to register as Bareboat Charter In can do so submitting by email to registry@barbadosmaritime.com the documents as per Checklist 09 Bareboat (Demise Charter).
15.5 On completion of the requirements for Charter In Registration, the BMSR issues the following:
.1 Letter to the Primary Registry confirming acceptance by the BMSR;
.2 Barbados Demise Charter In Certificate of Registry;
.3 Safe Manning Document (SMD);
.4 Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) (initial) ) (subject to receipt of the final CSR from former flag);.5 Ship Station Licence (SSL);
.6 Carving & Marking Note (CMN);
.7 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC Part I)
.8 Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunker) Certificate, if required;
.9 Oil Pollution Damage (Tanker CLC ) Certificate, if required.
16. Suspension
16.1 A vessel that cannot maintain compliance with Barbados National Requirements and IMO conventions is deemed not seaworthy and is therefore suspended from the Register under Sec. 346 of CAP 296.
16.2 The vessel will be reinstated as soon as the manager provides valid class and statutory certification to prove that compliance Barbados National Requirements and IMO conventions has been reinstated.
16.3 When a vessel is suspended, the BMSR will issue a certificate of Suspension and a CSR with item 15 reporting the date when the vessel ceased to be registered with BMSR.
16.4 During suspension, the BMSR may still record and discharge mortgage instruments in respect of that vessel and carry out any Register alterations but during such period such vessel:
.1 shall not proceed to sea;
.2 shall not be recognised in Barbados or for the purposes of CAP 296 as a Barbadian vessel;
.3 be entitled to the rights and privileges accorded to Barbadian vessels;
.4 or wear or hoist the national colours of a Barbadian vessel.
16.5 More information for when a vessel is laid up are provided in Bulletin 051 – Laid up Vessel Requirements.
17. Deletion
17.1 Deletion of a vessel from the Register may be initiated on notification of the vessel owner’s intention to de-register.
17.2 For the deletion of the vessel:
.1 All outstanding fees have been paid;
.2 Documents issued as per paragraph 17.5 have been paid;
.3 Original discharged mortgage instrument stamped and signed by the mortgagee is to be provided (when applicable).
17.3 In the case of the vessel having a mortgage against it being removed from the Registry, the BMSR will provide advance written notification to the mortgagee(s) announcing the pending deletion.
17.4 When the mortgage is not discharged prior to the vessel leaving the Registry, the Register entry remains open showing details of the mortgage until such time as the mortgage is discharged.
17.5 When the vessel is deleted, the BMSR will issue:
.1 Deletion Certificate;
.2 Final (Deletion) CSR
.3 Transcript of Registry
17.6 On completion of the vessel’s deletion, the BMSR will inform Fulcrum accordingly.
18. Register Alterations – Change of Ownership
18.1 To change ownership of the vessel while the vessel remains with the BMSR , the documentation of Checklist 05 Change of Owner , the discharge/transfer of any existing mortgages and the recording of any new mortgages is to be submitted by email to registry@barbadosmaritime.com.
18.2 Written Consent to the transfer of ownership is to be obtained from parties having a registered interest in the vessel, namely mortgagees and/or bareboat charter party principals.
18.3 On completion of this register alteration, the BMSR issues the following, as applicable:
.1 Permanent Certificate of Registry (COR);
.2 Safe Manning Document (SMD);
.3 Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR);
.4 Ship Station Licence (SSL);
.5 Carving & Marking Note (CMN);
.6 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC Part I);
.7 Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC);
.8 Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunker) Certificate, if required;
.9 Oil Pollution Damage (Tanker CLC ) Certificate, if required.
18.4 To issue a new CSR a complete CSR Amendment Form 2 is to be submitted to the BMSR.
18.5 On completion of this register alteration, the BMSR will provide an updated LRIT contact list to Fulcrum.
18.6 An additional fee for “Change to Register Entry” is applied along with the fees for the re-issuance of any of the documents issued as per paragraph 18.3. See Barbados Maritime Ship Registry Fees.
19. Register Alterations – Change of Managers
19.1 To change the managers of the vessel while the vessel remains with the BMSR , the documentation of Checklist 11 Change of Manager is to be submitted by email to registry@barbadosmaritime.com.
19.2 On completion of this register alteration, the BMSR issues the following, as applicable:
.1 Safe Manning Document (SMD);
.2 Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR);
.3 Ship Station Licence (SSL);
.4 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC Part I);
.5 Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC);
.6 Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunker) Certificate, if required;
.7 Oil Pollution Damage (Tanker CLC ) Certificate, if required.
19.3 To issue a new CSR a complete CSR Amendment Form 2 is to be submitted to the BMSR.
19.4 On completion of this register alteration, the BMSR will provide an updated LRIT contact list to Fulcrum.
19.5 An additional fee for “Change to Register Entry” is applied along with the fees for the re-issuance of any of the documents issued as per paragraph 19.2. See Barbados Maritime Ship Registry Fees.
20. Register Alterations – Change of Vessel’s Name
20.1 For this register alteration the owner is to obtain written approval for the name change from any existing mortgagee.
20.2 To inform the BMSR of the intention to change a vessel’s name the mortgagee’s written consent together along with Form 4 – Application for Registration or Change of Name of a Ship is to be submitted by email to registry@barbadosmaritime.com.
20.3 The list of documents for this register alteration indicated on Checklist 08 Change of Vessel’s Name .
20.4 On completion of this register alteration, the BMSR issues the following, as applicable:
.1 Carving & Marking Note(CMN);
.2 Certificate of Registry (COR);
.3 Safe Manning Document (SMD);
.4 Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR);
.5 Ship Station Licence (SSL);
.6 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC Part I);
.7 Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC);
.8 Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunker) Certificate, if required;
.9 Oil Pollution Damage (Tanker CLC ) Certificate, if required.
20.5 To issue a new CSR a complete CSR Amendment Form 2 is to be submitted to the BMSR.
20.6 On completion of this register alteration, the BMSR will:
.1 Inform the Barbados Radio Licensing Authority for the updating of the MMSI;
.2 provide an updated LRIT contact list to Fulcrum;
.3 advise the vessel classification society and RO.
20.7 An additional fee for “Change of Vessel’s Name” is applied along with the fees for the re-issuance of any of the documents issued as per paragraph 20.4. See Barbados Maritime Ship Registry Fees.
Revision History
Revision No |
Description Of Revision |
1.0 |
First Issue |
1.1 |
Amended hyperlinks |
2.0 |
Reissued with new format, added Sec. 6 “Class Requirements”, Sec. 16 “Suspension” and amended Sec.5 |
2.1 | Rewritten Sec. 5.2,5.3,5.4 and 5.5 |