Bulletin 015 – Continuous Synopsis Records Rev. 1.0

Barbados Maritime
  • Revision No:
  • 1.0
  • Issue Date:
  • 14 Feb. 24
  • Effective Date:
  • 14 Feb. 24

Notice to: Shipowners, Operators, Officers, Flag State Inspectors and Recognised Organisations.


1. References

a) Barbados Merchant Shipping Act (CAP 296).
b) SOLAS, International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.
c) IMO Resolution A.959(23) Format and guidelines for the maintenance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
d) The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).

2. Purpose

2.1 This Bulletin outlines the requirements of the BMSR for the issuance of Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR), as required by SOLAS Chapter XI-1/5.
2.2 The CSR is intended to provide an on-board record of the history of the vessel with respect to the information recorded therein.

3. Definitions

3.1 Company means the owner of the ship or any other organisation or person such as the Manager, or the Bareboat Charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed in writing to take over.
3.2 In accordance with IMO Resolution A.959(23):
.1 CSR Document means Form 1 that is issued by the BMSR, numbered sequentially over the life of the vessel;
.2 CSR Amendment Form means Form 2 filled in by the Company to update information contained in the CSR;
.3 CSR Index of Amendments means Form 3 filled in by the Company for the record of amendments made to the CSR.
.4 CSR file means all the Form 1, 2 and 3

4. Application

4.1 This Bulletin applies to all Barbadian vessels engaged on international voyages, except for .
.1 Cargo ships of less than 500 gross tonnage;
.2 Vessels not propelled by mechanical means;
.3 Pleasure (Private) yachts not engaged in commercial operations.
4.2 Vessels voluntarily complying with the ISPS Code must make a written request to the BMSR for the issuance of a CSR Document. Once issued, it must be maintained in accordance with SOLAS requirements.

5. Requirements

5.1 The BMSR now issues certificates electronically, including CSRs. All previously issued “wet ink” certificates remain valid and do not require reissuing.
5.2 The CSR shall be kept on board the vessel and shall be available for inspection at all times. 5.3 A permanent CSR file must be kept onboard the ship and be available for inspection upon request by any Designated Authority. It must contain all previously issued, original CSR Documents comprised of all:
.1 CSR Document (Form 1);
.2 CSR Amendment Form (Form 2);
.3 CSR Index of Amendments (Form 3).
5.4 The CSR must be left onboard a vessel whenever:
.1 transferring to the flag of another State;
.2 selling to another owner;
.3 taking over by another bareboat charterer;
.4 another Company assumes the responsibility for the operation.
5.5 For vessels constructed before 01 July 2004, the CSR Record shall, at least, provide the history of the ship as from 01 July 2004.
5.6 Electronic CSR file backups are permitted. However, the original CSR Documents, dated and countersigned by the Master, and complete CSR file must be maintained onboard the vessel.
5.7 If any of the information in sections 2 to 16 of the CSR document changes or is incorrect, a new CSR document must be issued.
5.8 To make amendments to the CSR, the company or Master shall complete an amendment form (Form 2 of the CSR). The original amendment form is to be attached to the current original CSR document. Details of the amendment are also to be entered in the index of amendments (Form 3) and attached to the current CSR document in date order.
5.9 On receipt of a revised and updated CSR document, the Master should check its sequential number and review the document to ensure that it covers all relevant amendment forms attached to the previous CSR document.
5.10 CSR Index of Amendments Form 3 is not required for issuing a new CSR and is to be completed and signed by the Master or other authorised signatory and kept in the vessel’s CSR file on board. A new form 3 shall be completed as a record for each Amendment and dated accordingly.

6. CSR Application

6.1 For new building and registration anew the BMSR will issue CSR Document with number 1 at provisional registration.
6.2 A completed Form 2 is to be submitted to the BMSR for all the cases below:
.1 Registration from another flag;
.2 Laid-Up/Re-activation;
.3 Bareboat in and out;
.4 Change of Registered Ownership;
.5 Change of Registered Owner’s Name and/or Address;
.6 Change of a vessel’s name;
.7 Change of ISM Management/Address;
.8 Change of Classification issuing body;
.9 Change of ISSC/SMC issuing body;
.10 Duplicate for lost/damaged originals.6.3 The application should be accompanied, as appropriate, by:
.1 Copy of Certificate of Class;
.2 Copy of current Barbados ISM Document of Compliance (DOC);
.3 Copy of the vessel’s ISSC & SMC Certificates;
.4 Copies of all previously issued CSRs (In the case of a vessel being transferred from another flag, within 3 three months after the registration).

7. Barbados initial CSR

7.1 When registering in with the BMSR from another flag Administration, the following is also required:
.1 Former flag deletion certificate;
.2 Former flag final (ceased) CSR.
7.2 The former flag State should issue the final CSR document to the vessel showing the date the vessel ceased to be registered with that flag State.
7.3 That flag State is required to send a copy of the vessel’s CSR file, as soon as possible and preferably not later than one month from the date the vessel ceased to be registered, to the new flag State.
7.4 The BMSR will issue the initial CSR as soon documents as per Sec 7.1 above are received. Nevertheless, in accordance with IMO Resolution A.959(23), should the former flag State or the managers fail to provide the ceased CSR within three months from the date of change of flag, the BMSR shall issue to the vessel a CSR based on the CSR information received from onboard the vessel. The sequential number of the CSR document will be the second sequential number after the last sequential number shown on the CSR document found (i.e. leaving first sequential number unused). The BMSR shall record this in entry box 11.
7.5 A vessel cannot be permanently registered until the BMSR receive the ceased CSR from former flag. Therefore, at provisional registration the BMSR will issue a 3-month Certificate of Registry, to wait for ceased CSR or to issue a new CSR as per sec. 7.4 above.

Revision No

Description Of Revision


First Issue.