All Barbados registered ships are subject to the provisions of the Shipping Act 1994, and officers should familiarise themselves with Parts II & IV of the Shipping Act in particular.

Every foreign-going ship must carry certificated officers in both deck and engine departments.  Barbados has undertakings in place under the STCW Convention Reg. 1/10. with a number of certificate issuing countries, all of which are white-listed under STCW.  Updates to this list are published via our Bulletins.

We do not issue endorsements to ratings but we may issue endorsements to officers from a country which issues STCW compliant certificates of competency.  Certificates of competency must carry an English translation if issued in a foreign language.

Officers are required to carry a valid current medical certificate that meets STCW and ILO requirements.

Barbados has ratified the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 and ships are inspected annually to include MLC aspects such as crew accommodation, crew agreements and general living conditions.

To apply for a Barbados Officer’s endorsement, please visit our Forms page and download Form 19.  Instructions on completion and return of the officer endorsement application form are included in the notes to the form.

On receipt of a valid completed application, a Certificate of Receipt of Application (CRA) will be issued as soon as possible to the ship Owner/Manager or authorised crewing agency making the application.  The CRA allows the holder to serve on board a Barbados registered ship for a maximum period of three months, pending issue of the full endorsement.  A full endorsement will follow before the expiry date of the CRA.

Verification of Barbados issued Certificates of Endorsement may be checked via our online portal system.


Please note that Barbados Maritime does not issue endorsements to Ratings, only to Officers holding Certificates of Competency issued by a “White Listed” country with which we have an Undertaking under STCW Reg. 1/10.

Barbados does not accept applications from individuals for issue of endorsements. Owners/operators must provide the Registry with a signed letter of authorisation for the crewing agents they will use to man their ships, and this must confirm the agency is in compliance with the Company’s ISM system and with MLC 2006 Regulations regarding Recruitment & Placement Agencies.

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